I read a post explaining slideshow design by a 'non-designer' geek on Google Reader. I was pretty inspired so I grabbed some of my own colour palettes from Colour Lovers.
I downloaded that amazing font Yanone Kaffeesatz and promptly also downloaded the font kit from Font Squirrel.
And started playing.... I've started on a slideshow explaining my experiences of Software Change Management processes whilst working within a multi-national safety driven company. OK, its only four slides long so far... but I love that just by reading this article I was able to create slides with such design credibility!
I had loads of issues trying to take away the chunky white border in my powerpoint presentation. I'm working on Office for Mac. So in case anyones got the same issues:
Create a custom Paper size (I called it A4_no_borders) based on A4 dimensions, but 'tweaked' to Width 210 Height 297.
Go to Page Setup and adjust the width and height again to Width 21.0cm and Height 29.7cm.
Press OK then go to print, check the numbers by going to Page Setup again - the numbers on my computer shifted to 21.01 and 29.69 so go and adjust your custom paper to 210.1 and 296.9.
On print options click scale to fit paper and add frame to slides - this takes away the remaining stubborn white pixels.
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